
13040 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Planning, Intervention and Evaluation of Care with a Focus on Older People

    Module code: NU2015 (double module) In this module you will identify the role a nurse has in negotiating nursing care with patients, families and carers and we will focus in particular on the caring of older people.

  • Migration, Superdiversity and Language

    Module code: ED7717 This module will build your knowledge of the key theoretical notions and concepts in the field of migration, superdiversity and language.

  • Cardiovascular Projects

    Module code: MB7059 One of the most valued features of this course is opportunity for you to undertake two separate research projects of approximately 11 weeks duration.

  • Implementing Improvements in Organisational Performance

    Module code: MN7369 This module begins with looking at how the (re)organisation of production and/or service can be used to enhance competitiveness in a variety of occupational, sectoral, national, international and global settings, and how this can be implemented.

  • Emergency Planning Management

    Module code: MN7636 This module introduces various dimensions of the management of emergencies.

  • Interaction Design (ID) and User Experience (UX)

    Module code: CO4223 In this module we will cover basic theoretical models and practical skills for the design and evaluation of interactive systems. We will explore the core concepts of usability and UX, and also the principles of design.

  • Interaction Design (ID) and User Experience (UX)

    Module code: CO7223 In this module we will cover basic theoretical models and practical skills for the design and evaluation of interactive systems. We will explore the core concepts of usability and UX, and also the principles of design.

  • Hitchcock and Film History

    Module code: HA3438 With an active career spanning 50 years of film history, Alfred Hitchcock is one of the few undisputed auteurs and remains one of the most popular (and often controversial) of all film-makers.

  • Living with Dictatorship: European Societies, 1918-1941

    Module code: HS2362 This module will compare and examine the social history of interwar Europe, focusing upon Nazi Germany, Francoist Spain, Fascist Italy and the Stalinist Soviet Union.

  • Strategic Communications Management

    Module code: MS7310 This module explores the theory and practice of strategic communications management within organisational settings, and campaigns management more generally.

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