March Book Group: Put Out More Flags – University of Leicester
Posted by Rebecca Moore in Waugh and Words on April 23, 2015 The following is a guest post kindly supplied by Ben Doty.
Governments, Parties, Parliaments and Public Opinion (G3PO).
The University of Leicester’s Parties, Parliaments and Public Opinion (3PO) research cluster brings together scholars from the fields of comparative and British politics.
Leicester researchers open doors for International Clinical Trials Day
Research teams at Leicester’s Hospitals are giving members of the public an opportunity to experience first-hand some of the clinical trials they run.
John Bonner
It is, with much regret that we have learned of the death of John Bonner who held numerous senior roles in the University from the 1960s until his retirement in 1996. Professor Peter Jackson writes: John graduated in economics from the University of Hull in 1954.
PlanetarySeminar: Magnetosphere-ionosphere Coupling at Saturn and Jupiter
Posted by Physics & Astronomy in Physics and Astronomy Blog on 12 January 2021 Dr.
University of Leicester Staff blogs School of English PhD funding success in the School of English
Posted by Julie Coleman in School of English Blog on June 26, 2014 Many new PhD projects will begin in the School next year, and the following students have been successful in obtaining full or partial funding.
Entrepreneurship at a Glance
Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on October 16, 2017 The latest edition of this key report from the OECD is now available free to read online subscribers to the OECD library can download the full text.
Leicester Planetary Science on BBC Sky at Night
Posted by Physics & Astronomy in Physics and Astronomy Blog on 30 November 2020 Dr. Leigh Fletcher appeared as a guest on November’s Sky at Night to discuss the potential for life across the Solar System.
School of English Blog: Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester: Page 2
Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester
University of Leicester sets up pilot scheme to support students escaping war, disasters and persecution
Medical students affected by war, natural disasters and persecution are now able to continue their education in safety as part of a University of Leicester pilot scheme.