
13039 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Nonlinear Control

    Module code: EG7044 This module will equip you with advanced knowledge and skills in nonlinear control systems, addressing the limitations of linear analysis techniques.

  • Systems Reliability and Sustainability

    Module code: EG4201 In a world increasingly focused on sustainable development and reliable engineering solutions, mastering the principles of systems reliability and sustainability is crucial.

  • Projects in Professional Archaeology

    Module code: AR3086 This core module for our BSc continues your preparation for a career in professional archaeology/historic environment practice. Its particular focus will be the professional delivery of desk-based assessments, a recognised area of professional competence.

  • Practice Education 5

    Module code: PH3006 During this module, you will continue the placement started in your Practice Education modules, completing the 1,000 hours of clinical practice required to qualify as an HCPC and CSP accredited physiotherapist.

  • Democracy and EU Membership in Post-Communist Europe

    Module code: PL3136 The fall of communism in the Eastern Bloc and the then-Yugoslavia left a mass of new countries in Europe, right on the doorstep on the expansionist European Community.

  • Mental Health Law

    Module code: LW3451 While studying this module you'll examine the civil and criminal legal rules that regulate the detention, care and treatment of the mentally disordered.

  • Human Rights in the 21st Century

    Module code: LW3270 You'll cover matters relating to the Human Rights Act, prisoners’ rights, hate speech, obscenity, pornography, contempt of court and public order powers which are often in the news. This module examines the law behind the headlines.

  • Microbiology 2

    Module code: BS2024 This module covers the biology of organisms too small to be seen with the unaided eye (excluding bacteria), and the working of the vertebrate immune system.

  • Evolution and Entropy: Changing Representations of the Sciences in Victorian Literature

    Module code: EN7124 It is increasingly recognised that the sciences formed a fundamental and integral part of Victorian culture, and that their growing importance was registered in a variety of literary forms.

  • The Brontës

    Module code: EN7128 This module offers you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the fiction of Charlotte, Emily and Anne Brontë.

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