Advanced Composite Materials
Module code: EG7126 In this module you will be introduced to a subset of materials called composites, their uses, and the ways they can be analysed and used in engineering applications.
Preventing Overdiagnosis Conference 2016
SAPPHIRE’s Natalie Armstrong and Caroline Morris reflect on learning from the ‘Preventing Overdiagnosis Conference’ (#PODC2016) in Barcelona
Finding Dolly Shepherd in Historical Directories
Guest blog post on Edwardian Lady Parachutist Dolly Shepherd, by Debra Wallace
Differentiating High-Involvement Management from High-Performance Work Systems: Why it Matters for U
Posted by Chris Grocott in School of Business Blog on July 17, 2020 Professor Stephen Wood argues that focusing on management practices that involve workers in workplace decisions could be the answer to the UK’s productivity crisis.
Charlotte lands medicine place after Clearing success at Leicester
Charlotte Ellse didn’t let a GCSE grade hold her back when pursuing her dream of studying medicine – and thanks to Clearing at the University of Leicester, she’s well on her way to her chosen career.
2018 news
Browse news relating to the Division of Biomedical Services from 2018.
JWST peers into the heart of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot
Observations by University of Leicester scientists reveal the interior of Solar System’s largest anticyclone like never before and its three-dimensional structure of temperatures, winds, and clouds in the vortex
Patient involvement
Over recent decades increasingly active roles have emerged for patients and carers in medical education.1 This is owing to a number of political and social drivers that have brought the patient voice to the fore of health and social care.
Victoria Szafara
Research Assistant for the Arch-I-Scan project, University of Leicester; Postgraduate research student in the School of Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Leicester
The Archives and Special Collections Internship
Posted by Simon Dixon in Library Special Collections on February 25, 2016 By Rebecca Couchman-Crook , Archives Assistant I applied for the Graduate Gateways scheme that the University’s Career Service runs for students who graduated that year, after I had just...