Inequality causes Corruption…or is it the other way around?
Posted by awynne in School of Business Blog on September 25, 2015 Senior Lecturer in Public Financial Management at the School, Andy Wynne , briefly surveys one of today’s most pressing debates Last December, in Paris, attendees at an OECD donor symposium entitled...
Natural Sciences courses at the University of Leicester provide numerous opportunities to practice confronting scientific problems in novel situations in preparation for a career in academia, industry or other science-related fields. Learn more about our BSc and MSci programmes.
The Two Fredericks: A snapshot of male intimacy in prison
Posted by Katy Roscoe in Carceral Archipelago on September 30, 2016 In the 1840s, campaigners for the abolition of convict transportation engaged in a campaign of scare-mongering about the prevalence of sexual acts between male convicts (dubbed “unnatural acts”).
Indigenous Geographies of Carceral Islands
Essay about the indigenous georaphies on three Australian convict islands - Melville; Cockatoo; Rottnest
The double-minded revolutionary
Posted by Carrie Crockett in Carceral Archipelago on February 22, 2017 In 1884, a Russian woman by the name of Liudmila Volkenshtein was found guilty of anti-tsarist “terrorism” by a military court in St Petersburg.
Learn more about the Masters course currently available in Cancer Studies.
Registering on a Student visa
Learn more about studying on a Student visa at the University of Leicester.
Introductory Mineral Deposits
Module code: GL3034 This module is an option for the Geology degree programmes. You'll learn about ore minerals -- their structure, composition, uses, and, most importantly, how to identify them in hand-specimen.
Software Project Management and Professionalism
Module code: CO2012 In this module, you will learn techniques and technologies required to manage and collaborate on a software project.
Senate regulation 9: Regulations governing Research Degree Programmes: General, admissions, and registration (9.1-9.46)
9.1 These regulations shall apply to applicants and registered research students for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or Master of Philosophy (MPhil).