Using Creative Activities in Criminology Workshops: A Reflection
Posted by ca270 in Soundings: criminology and sociology at the University of Leicester on June 23, 2023 By Angus Li PhD Student and Graduate Teaching Assistant This is it – my first year of teaching at the University of Leicester is over.
Writer as Intellectual and Physical Drifter: Dr Rob M Francis reflects on his role as David Bradshaw
Posted by gboland in Waugh and Words on July 3, 2019 It’s been an absolute pleasure to be the inaugural full time David Bradshaw Writer in Residence. I’ve been thrilled in so many ways and by so many aspects of this amazing project.
Digitally General: why digital is not always the answer
Posted by bcox in Leicester Learning Institute: Enhancing learning and teaching on October 12, 2018 Making something digital does not always make it better. Why? It not the digital itself that it actually the issue.
Leicester plays key role in BBC Secret Life of Sue Townsend Aged 68 programme
Our University has played a key role in a new BBC programme on honorary graduate and Distinguished Honorary Fellow Sue Townsend, who died in 2014.
Space Park Leicester - have your say
The public is being invited to help shape the future of space development in Leicester. A consultation session is being held on Thursday 7 June, between 3pm and 7:30pm, for Space Park Leicester - a science park focused on the space and space-enabled industries.
Using Theory in Improvement Research – University of Leicester
This SAPPHIRE blog argues that far from being overly complex and irrelevant, theory has a practical role to play in healthcare improvement. We all need to work to make theory more accessible for the front-line practitioners doing improvement work.
Useful Bloom taxonomy related websites/resources (and some critiques) – University of Leicester
The 'Learning Outcomes Project' at the University of Leicester. Useful Bloom taxonomy related websites/resources - and some criticisms.
Raptorman is conservation hero
A Leicester graduate has been honoured by HRH Princess Royal for his conservation work to save vultures. Dr Munir Virani gained a Master’s degree in 1994 and a PhD in 2000, then under the supervision of Professor Emeritus David Harper.
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Scientists deliver world-first lobster X-ray telescope mirror
Space scientists at the University of Leicester have delivered a completely new type of super-lightweight X-ray telescope mirror to study the greatest explosions in the Universe since the Big Bang.