Attenborough Arts Centre’s Bob Christer presents in Berlin at international Falling Walls Engage Awards
This November, Attenborough Arts Centre’s SENsory Atelier Programme Manager Bob Christer spent a week in Berlin representing the Atelier Labs programme as a selected winner as part of the international Falling Walls Engage Awards.
Browse our research projects associated with the bone laboratory within Archaeology and Ancient History at Leicester.
Vicky McGowan
The academic profile of Dr Vicky McGowan, Lecturer in psychology at University of Leicester
Team Leicester
Discover Team Leicester sports clubs at the University of Leicester.
Workplace Learning and Human Resource Management
Module code: LM2501 This module considers the nature of workplace learning with particular reference to informal modes of learning at work.
Applied Psychology Research Project
Module code: PS2106 This module investigates key concepts and issues underlying quantitative research methodology, research design and statistics, and ethics in applied psychology research and practice.
Immunity and Inflammation
Module code: MB7319 This module will explore and explain the disease progression paradigm and pathological mechanisms that underlie a wide range of chronic degenerative human diseases.
Behavioural Ecology in Nature
Module code: BS3066 This field-based module (held in the Easter vacation) will teach you how to conduct field studies of animal behaviour, using methods such as focal animal sampling, zero-one sampling and ad libitum sampling.
Immunity and Inflammation
Module code: BS4319 This module will explore and explain the disease progression paradigm and pathological mechanisms that underlie a wide range of chronic degenerative human diseases.
Digital Media in Everyday Life
Module code: MS7043 Digital media has a huge impact on our lives on an individual and global level and you’ll be investigating the theory behind this, as well as the societal impact.