Study suggests over half of women with gestational diabetes in the UK are undiagnosed
Research investigating testing methods for gestational diabetes suggests that over half of pregnant women with the condition are not being diagnosed with the current NHS blood test process, leading to unnecessary complications for mother and baby.
Leicester Researchers and the Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC)
Posted by Physics & Astronomy in Physics and Astronomy Blog on 29 September 2020 Planetary Scientists from the University of Leicester have played a leading role in the first Virtual Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC).
Was the Force behind Leicester's football success? Students explore the secrets of Yoda's Force power
For many fans around the world May 4th is Star Wars Day, playing on the popular phrase ‘May the Force Be With You’ uttered by many characters in the films including Luke Skywalker’s mentor, Yoda.
Examples of the 3Rs
Browse examples of how we employ the 3Rs in the Division of Biomedical Services at the University of Leicester.
Psychology MSc, by distance learning
This is for you if... you are looking for a BPS-accredited conversion course that will support you in pursuing a career as a professional psychologist.
Born just a few weeks early: Does it matter?
17 November 2023, 5.00pm-6.00pm George Davies Centre, University of Leicester An event to mark World Prematurity Day 2023 This event is for all students, staff, professionals - everyone welcome (and in particular those affected by prematurity).
Oral history
Learn more about the origins of oral history, its value in academia and how you could find out more about it.
The risks of feeding back the results of clinical trials to participants
Posted by carolyntarrant in SAPPHIRE (Social science APPlied to Healthcare Improvement REsearch) on December 18, 2015 Feeding back the results of clinical trials to participants has long been seen as good ethical research practice, and new guidance from the Health...
Mathematical modelling
Mathematical models combine the highly sought after skills of Mathematicians, computer technologists and Scientists; providing a platform to study the mechanisms of diseases spread, predicting outcomes and patterns that are highly complex.
English for Chemists Winter Programme
The English for Chemists International Summer Programme is aimed at chemistry students and professionals wishing to improve their English for use in an chemistry context.