Easter for social scientists
Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on April 17, 2019 Just for fun here are some interesting research related facts on Easter chocolate! This infographic from Statista has some basic facts on who celebrates Easter and what they do.
Leicester partners with leading food manufacturer to drive innovation
A leading British food manufacturer is harnessing the expertise of Leicester scientists to bring innovation and academic insight into its production process to help boost yields and quality.
Check urine to ensure patients are taking blood pressure tablets, researchers urge
Blood pressure pills next to blood pressure monitor 1500|Doctors from Leicester’s Hospitals and the University of Leicester show simple process may save NHS millions.
Research Methods
Module code: PS7585 This module will introduce you to a variety of research and data analysis methods and techniques that can be used when conducting psychological research, and to their underlying principles.
Research Methods
Module code: PS7585 This module will introduce you to a variety of research and data analysis methods and techniques that can be used when conducting psychological research, and to their underlying principles.
Decolonising Criminology
Module code: CR2033 Over the course of this module, you will discuss: What does decolonising criminology mean, why is it important, and how can we decolonise criminology? You will start to understand what “racial capitalism” is and how it impacts access to justice? By...
Employability: Core Skills
Module code: MA2901 This module aims to provide the knowledge, skills and mind-set to manage your career and professional development throughout your lifetime, in the context of a dynamic 21st century employment market.
Employability: Placement Preparation
Module code: MA2902 This module aims to provide the knowledge, skills and mind-set to manage your career and professional development throughout your lifetime, in the context of a dynamic 21st century employment market.
Research Methods
Module code: PS7585 This module will introduce you to a variety of research and data analysis methods and techniques that can be used when conducting psychological research, and to their underlying principles.
Publications and scholarly outputs of the Carceral Archipelago project Clare Anderson OPEN ACCESS! Clare Anderson, "Empire and Exile: reflections on the Ibis trilogy," American Historical Review 121, 5 (2016).