
21039 results for: ‘%s’

  • Patient and Carer Group

    The Patient and Carer Group, housed in the School of Medicine at Leicester, is a way for students to bridge the cap between the theory and practice of patient care.

  • Public lecture will see experts discuss how to police sexual violence

    Sexual violence against women and girls in Britain will be discussed by experts in a public lecture at University of Leicester this month.

  • Researchers shed light on why and how Stonehenge was built

    Excavation of two quarries in Wales by a team of archaeologists and geologists - including Dr Rob Ixer, a researcher with the Department of Geology - has confirmed they are sources of Stonehenge’s ‘bluestones’, shedding light on how they were quarried...

  • School of Business shaping initiatives to boost local enterprise

    Businesses across the East Midlands are being asked to identify and rank their greatest concerns for the coming 12 months. The question is being posed in the first East Midlands Chamber Quarterly Economic Survey of 2018, in partnership with the School of Business.

  • Leicester scientist discusses BepiColombo mission to Mercury

    Professor Emma Bunce, Principal Investigator of the Mercury Imaging X-ray Spectrometer (MIXS) - one of the main instruments on the upcoming BepiColombo Mercury mission which was designed and built by Leicester researchers, has been interviewed about the mission for BBC...

  • Shakespeare and English Language

    Shakespeare and English Language (Semester 2) EL3027 (Macbeth - As You Like It - Richard III) course at the ELTU.

  • Suggested research topics

    Take a look at the suggestions for PhD projects that staff in English at the University of Leicester would be interested in supervising.

  • Blackboard Users’ Conference, January 2013

    Posted by David Hopkins in College of Social Science: Technology Enhanced Learning Blog on February 7, 2013 The 2013 Blackboard Users’ Conference was held at the welcoming University of Durham.

  • Transfer Opportunities 学生交流

    The DLI is based at DUT’s Panjin campus. Students may elect to study the entire programme in China.

  • Does Trump contradict himself?

    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on July 24, 2017 Trump of Yore , is a fascinating project from the @qz bot studio when President Trump tweets it uses mathematical  software to compare the new postings tweets in the president’s...

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