
21028 results for: ‘%s’

  • Psycho-social Concepts of Public Health, Health Promotion and Health Protection

    Module code: NU1014 This inter-professional module is facilitated with student midwives and student nurses learning together using a range of methods that include specialist subject lectures, small group tutorials, online activities, problem-based case scenarios, practice...

  • Study reveals seven in ten patients hospitalised with COVID-19 not fully recovered five months post-discharge

    The majority of survivors who left hospital following COVID-19 did not fully recover five months after discharge and continued to experience negative impacts on their physical and mental health, as well as ability to work, according to results released by the PHOSP-COVID...

  • University of Leicester agrees five-year roadmap of support for twinned university in Ukraine

    Plan for five years of collaboration follows twinning agreement between The University of Leicester and Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostohradskyi National University

  • Two upcoming readings

    Posted by Jonathan Taylor in School of English Blog on October 16, 2014 In the next few days, I’ll be taking part in two public events, at Nottingham Festival of Words, and at the London launch of a unique book of essays.

  • Global Cities

    Module code: HS2238 This module will introduce you to urban history through a particular object of study – the rise of the metropolis as a key feature of the global world since 1700.

  • Global Cities

    Module code: HS2238 This module will introduce you to urban history through a particular object of study – the rise of the metropolis as a key feature of the global world since 1700.

  • Global Cities

    Module code: HS2238 This module will introduce you to urban history through a particular object of study – the rise of the metropolis as a key feature of the global world since 1700.

  • Talking points a range of topical issues tackled by academics 22 30 April

    Dr Nibedita S Ray-Bennett from the Civil Safety and Security Unit has written a piece for Think: Leicester where she discusses how a well-co-ordinated national, international and community based effort is urgently needed to facilitate the recovery and restoration phases in Nepal.

  • Enhancing research and impact through collaboration

    Interdiscplinary research Interdisciplinary research| National event at Leicester brings together international Rutherford Fellows to celebrate interdisciplinary research.

  • Mary Attenborough (1896-1961)

    Mary Attenborough was the wife of Frederick Attenborough, Principal of University College Leicester between 1932– 1951 and mother to their three sons: Richard, David and John.

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