Marc Loureiro
The academic profile of Dr Marc Loureiro, Lecturer at University of Leicester
The Historical Archaeology of England
Module code: AR7532 This module is a one-week residential field school based in Leicester around Easter each year, which introduces you to the three themes of landscapes, buildings and material culture, through structured visits to sites throughout the Midlands.
Research on Sikh gurdwaras in England and the 18th century wallpaper trade to be presented
Two recent PhD graduates from the University of Leicester will be delivering lectures on their respective specialist areas of Sikh gurdwaras in England and the English wallpaper trade as part of the University’s Doctoral Inaugural Lecture series.
Formation and Evolution of Galaxies
The traditional strength of the group in studying the evolution of active galaxies (AGNs) is all part of the wider quest to trace the history of elements, stars, galaxies, extragalactic structure and blackholes through cosmic time, along with providing a context for the...
Latin American Literature and Film
Module code: SP1031 This module introduces you to the study of film and narrative fiction from Latin America. The written and film texts studied will be from the contemporary and twentieth century periods and will be from a range of countries in the region.
Research Project
Module code: PA3900 This module gives you an opportunity to take part in real scientific investigation, working on an area of active research in a small group, under the guidance of a member of academic staff.
Latin American Literature and Film
Module code: SP1031 This module introduces you to the study of film and narrative fiction from Latin America. The written and film texts studied will be from the contemporary and twentieth century periods and will be from a range of countries in the region.
Educational experiments arrive safely at International Space Station
A kit of experiments to teach fundamental physics and chemistry to UK students has arrived at the International Space Station (ISS) for British European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Tim Peake to run during his six month mission in space.
Research Project
Module code: PA3900 This module gives you an opportunity to take part in real scientific investigation, working on an area of active research in a small group, under the guidance of a member of academic staff.
Latin American Literature and Film
Module code: SP1031 This module introduces you to the study of film and narrative fiction from Latin America. The written and film texts studied will be from the contemporary and twentieth century periods and will be from a range of countries in the region.