
10593 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Latin American Politics

    Module code: PL2028 Latin America has witnessed both a tumultuous political landscape and political innovation. There are many issues fuelling political upheaval in Latin countries from social injustice, corruption, racism, sexism and environmental exploitation.

  • Second Language Teaching and Learning

    Module code: ED7502 In this module you will study aspects of English Language Teaching (ELT) methodology and theories of language learning.

  • E-learning

    Module code: LM3505 This module critically examines the rise and development of e–learning in training and HRM.

  • E-learning

    Module code: LM3505 This module critically examines the rise and development of e–learning in training and HRM.

  • Evaluation and Research

    Module code: MU7513 Module Outline This module looks closely at approaches to evaluation and research through a number of small-scale research projects.

  • Counselling Skills in Diabetes

    Module code: MD7258 This module will explore the philosophy of person centred care and what it context this plays in diabetes care. You will then develop your understanding and review the key principles and models underlying the philosophy.

  • E-learning

    Module code: LM3505 This module critically examines the rise and development of e–learning in training and HRM.

  • 100 trees

    On 4 October 2021 we celebrated our official birthday by planting a tree as a symbol of our commitment, as a University, to promoting positive change in the local and global community. Throughout the year we planted 100 trees across our campuses to mark 100 years of change.

  • Sleepout to support Leicesters homeless

    Staff and student volunteers will be wrapping up and bracing themselves for a night out in the elements in order to raise awareness of homelessness and the reality of ‘sleeping rough’.

  • Project to investigate how offenders engage with treatment in different settings

    Applications are invited for a fully-funded PhD studentship that will investigate why offenders do and do not engage with treatment in prison, forensic hospital and community settings. As many as 86% of offenders do not successfully complete rehabilitation programmes.

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