
10591 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Curating Now

    Module code: MU7004 Curating Now addresses key stages of the curatorial process - from the exhibition proposal to research, development, installation and interpretation.

  • Curating Now

    Module code: MU7004 Curating Now addresses key stages of the curatorial process - from the exhibition proposal to research, development, installation and interpretation.

  • Sandra Dudley

    The academic profile of Professor Sandra Dudley, Professor of Museum Anthropology; Head of School at University of Leicester

  • Engineering Principles and Experimentation

    Module code: FS0024 During this module you will get the chance to develop your experimental skills in an engineering context. This module is designed to give you hands-on experience in an engineering laboratory environment using a range of equipment.

  • Digital

    Module code: MU7557 This module focuses on how to use digital media purposefully and creatively in museum contexts.

  • Engineering Principles and Experimentation

    Module code: FS0024 During this module you will get the chance to develop your experimental skills in an engineering context. This module is designed to give you hands-on experience in an engineering laboratory environment using a range of equipment.

  • Digital

    Module code: MU7557 This module focuses on how to use digital media purposefully and creatively in museum contexts.

  • Digital

    Module code: MU7557 This module focuses on how to use digital media purposefully and creatively in museum contexts.

  • Second Language Teaching

    Module code: EN7521 This module focuses on contemporary approaches to English Language Teaching (ELT) and key aspects of ELT methodology.

  • Crisis Management

    Module code: MN3145 Global society is facing various crises, such as economic downturns, climate change, food deprivation, natural disasters, terrorism and war.

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