
9376 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • Sarah Knight

    The academic profile of Professor Sarah Knight, Professor of Renaissance Literature at University of Leicester

  • System Dynamics and Control

    Module code: EG2302 Automatic control of engineering products is everywhere, from simple algorithms that regulate the temperature in standard kitchen ovens, to more sophisticated ones regulating the behaviour of aeroplanes.

  • Professional Development Internship/Elective

    Module code: NU3013 This module is an exciting opportunity for you to undertake an elective or apprenticeship role in clinical practice, research, leadership or education. An introductory lecture will launch the module and the organisation of electives and internships.

  • Testimonials

    "So far, I've honestly had a lovely experience with using the dissection room at Leicester as it complements my learning in a more practical way.

  • Elective/Internship for Nursing Practice

    Module code: NU3003 This module is an exciting opportunity for you to undertake an elective or apprenticeship role in clinical practice, research, leadership or education. An introductory lecture will launch the module and the organisation of electives and internships.

  • Professional Development Internship/Elective

    Module code: NU3013 This module is an exciting opportunity for you to undertake an elective or apprenticeship role in clinical practice, research, leadership or education. An introductory lecture will launch the module and the organisation of electives and internships.

  • System Dynamics and Control

    Module code: EG2302 Automatic control of engineering products is everywhere, from simple algorithms that regulate the temperature in standard kitchen ovens, to more sophisticated ones regulating the behaviour of aeroplanes.

  • Elective/Internship for Midwifery Practice

    Module code: MW3003 This module is an exciting opportunity for you to undertake an elective or internship placement in clinical practice, research, leadership or education. An introductory lecture will launch the module and the organisation of electives and internships.

  • Kevin Paterson

    The academic profile of Professor Kevin Paterson, Professor of Experimental Psychology at University of Leicester

  • Steered Research Project

    Module code: BS7120 Module co-ordinator: Dr Richard Badge Your steered research project will be organised as a group project with individually assessed components focussing on the topic of next generation sequencing.

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