
9376 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • Sounds for the Future

    Find out more about the East Midlands Oral History Archive (EMOHA) and the University's Special Collections new project, 'Sounds for the Future'.

  • New classes introduced at the University’s Jo Williams physio clinic

    A student led physiotherapy clinic at the University of Leicester is expanding its services

  • Leicester to lead development of space instrument

    A space mission called SMILE (Solar Wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer) which is a joint collaboration between scientists from the UK, Europe, Canada, the US and China, has received the go-ahead for an initial study phase this summer by the European Space Agency...

  • Why study Politics at Leicester?

    Find out why you should study Politics at Leicester. Enjoy the benefits of internationally-recognised research, stimulating teaching, great employability and careers opportunities, and the chance to study abroad.

  • Exciting changes to our Heritage and Interpretation Masters for October

    Posted by Katy Bunning in School of Museum Studies Blog on July 18, 2013 Several staff members here are spending their summer days revamping and enhancing our Heritage and Interpretation Masters programme .

  • Concepts in Criticism

    Module code: EB2060 Module co-ordinator: Dr Jonathan Taylor The module will introduce students to a range of theoretical debates that have influenced the study of English in recent decades, covering issues such as reading and authorship, gender and sexuality, identity...

  • How can you measure happiness?

    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on March 20, 2019 The  OECD has discussed methodology  (in terms of OECD nations) in a number of its reports.

  • Study guides

    Our study guides ensure you get all the right help during your time at The University of Leicester.

  • Registrar and Secretary’s Office

    The Registrar and Secretary’s Office is home to the University’s academic-related professional services functions and the University’s governance function. We enable the academic mission of the University by directly supporting researchers, educators and students.

  • Wei Zhang

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