
21013 results for: ‘%s’

  • University of Sanctuary, University of Refuge

    Posted by Martin Parker in School of Business Blog on February 24, 2017 This week, Martin Parker considers whether the University of Leicester should commit to being a University of Sanctuary for refugees.

  • Archive for March 2023: Page 2

    You are browsing the site archives by date.

  • NGTS discovers an extremely small star in an eclipsing binary

    Posted by Physics & Astronomy in Physics and Astronomy Blog on 1 September 2020 Leicester PhD student Jack Acton discusses his latest discovery, a record breaking eclipsing binary system found in data from the NGTS exoplanet survey.

  • PGR Careers blog University of Leicester

    PGR Careers blog from the University of Leicester

  • Attitudes towards rewilding gardens and green space in Leicester and Leicestershire

    Learn more about how your data is handled if participating in the rewilding gardens and green space research at Leicester.

  • Student raises over 12000 for The Myton Hospices in memory of her mum

    A tenacious student from our University has spent the last year working tirelessly to raise money for The Myton Hospices as thanks for the fantastic support they gave her mum during her final days in their care.

  • Scientists discover prehistoric Kite Runner

    Scientists have discovered an ancient animal that carried its young in pouches or capsules tethered to the parent’s body like tiny, swirling kites. The miniscule creature, Aquilonifer spinosus, was an arthropod that lived about 430 million years ago.

  • Adult Learners’ Week Special: A Handful of Dust

    Posted by Barbara Cooke in Waugh and Words on March 25, 2014 The Book Group is delighted to be taking part in Leicester libraries’ Adult Learners’ Week, which runs form 14-20 June 2014.

  • Tea coffee and a slice of midlife

    Leicester is the first university in the UK with a workplace menopause policy - and now we're launching the region’s first Menopause Café.

  • University to showcase research stars of tomorrow

    The University of Leicester’s annual event celebrating postgraduate research returns this week, providing members of the public the opportunity to discover more about the diverse range of cutting-edge work of the University’s Postgraduate Researchers.

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