Experts gather to determine ExoMars landing site
The ExoMars Rover The ExoMars Rover (courtesy of ESA) 475|Academic and industry experts are meeting in Leicester to decide key detail of mission to Mars Over 100 delegates from academia and industry will meet at the National Space Centre on Thursday 8 and Friday 9 November...
Acting the Academic
Posted by Angus Cameron in School of Business Blog on May 12, 2015 Deputy Head of School, Angus Cameron , reflects upon one of the stranger tasks he has been asked to perform: being a central character in a murder mystery novel.
Arts, culture and heritage
Our commitment to enrich and add value to the cultural vitality of the region is reflected by our myriad artistic and cultural activities. Discover our Attenborough Arts Centre and the University's Botanic Garden and Attenborough Arboretum.
Advancing the protection of migrants human rights
Leicester Law School lecturer Alan Desmond has recently edited an international collaborative book on the UN Migrant Workers Convention and its potential to advance the protection of migrants’ human rights.
100-strong crowd learns results of Leicester stroke and exercise study
The results of a 3-year study into stroke patients and exercise was shared with funders, patients and carers at an event held in the Centre for Medicine at the University of Leicester today (18 July 2017).
Research Groups
Find out more about the research groups for the Division of Primary Care research at the University of Leicester.
What are children worried about?
Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on September 4, 2017 The latest annual Good Childhood report from the Children’s Society measures children’s subject well-being and happiness.
Broadening our international horizons
Menu Close University Leadership Team Home Broadening our international horizons Broadening our international horizons Posted by on October 11, 2016 When I was 10 years old I bought myself a ‘Teach yourself Chinese’ book.
Leicestershires three universities join forces to fight blood cancer
The University of Leicester, Loughborough University and De Montfort University have joined forces to create Leicestershire UNItes in partnership with the Rik Basra Leukaemia Campaign.
Literary endowment fund will create new ‘writer in residence’ and professorship
Literary endowment fund will create new ‘writer in residence’ and professorship at Leicester University