
9376 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • Biomedical Engineering Research Group (BERG)

    Engineering plays a crucial role in supporting advances in healthcare technologies that will improve the quality of human health for future generations. Learn more about the staff, and the activities undertaken in the School.

  • Markets over Morals: Neoliberal Thought Has Always Struggled to Condemn Authoritarianism

    Posted by Chris Grocott in School of Business Blog on November 20, 2018   In this blog post Dr Chris Grocott, Lecturer in Management and Economic History in ULSB, discusses his research analysing the relationship between neoliberal economic thought and morality.

  • Engineering with Foundation Year BEng

    Engineers solve problems – including ones involving their education. If you don’t quite have the entry requirements to study an engineering degree at Leicester, this engineering foundation degree will get you there.

  • Catalogues, Websites & Digital Tables

    Posted by Colin Hyde in Library Special Collections on September 18, 2019 Nidhi presenting in front of the large screen   In the summer of 2019 the Unlocking Our Sound Heritage (UOSH) project has hosted two Museums Studies work placement students, Feifei Qin and Nidhi...

  • Resources

    Take a look at the resources available for students in higher education on mircobial genomes, all with descriptions and links.

  • Archaeological Theory

    Module code: AR2601  What was gender like in the past? How are politics and the past entwined? How was the past different from the present? How can archaeology help us think differently about the present? These are some of the key questions posed by this exciting...

  • Archaeological Theory

    Module code: AR2601  What was gender like in the past? How are politics and the past entwined? How was the past different from the present? How can archaeology help us think differently about the present? These are some of the key questions posed by this exciting...

  • Daniel Z. Hao

    The academic profile of Dr Daniel Zhou Hao - Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at University of Leicester, specialised in AI, Robotics, Space Technologies. Robotic Manipulation System Lead for ESA/NASA Mars Sample Return (MSR) DWI Project

  • Theories of Crime and Criminality

    Module code: CR1001 Module co-ordinator: Dr Matt Hopkins Description Understanding why people commit crime has been a focus of academic study for over 200 years.

  • Archaeological Theory

    Module code: AR2601  What was gender like in the past? How are politics and the past entwined? How was the past different from the present? How can archaeology help us think differently about the present? These are some of the key questions posed by this exciting...

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