
21007 results for: ‘%s’

  • Stirring things up in the Earths mantle

    New insights into the convection patterns of the Earth’s mantle and its chemical makeup have been revealed by a researcher from our Department of Geology.

  • More plaudits for Universitys innovative Centre for Medicine

    Our landmark Centre for Medicine building has won another award recognising its positive environmental impact – and is shortlisted for another the winner of which is soon to be announced.

  • Leicester Students Union gets ready to refresh

    This Friday 19 January marks the start of the Students’ Union’s Refreshers 2018 - kicking off Spring Term with sweet treats, a Refreshers fair and even an afternoon of trampolining.

  • Dancing through life

    A former professional dancer, Dr Heidi Ashton from the University’s School of Management has revealed some of the realities of working as a dancer in a new video interview.

  • Research

    CRÍA researches art institutions and the idea of art collections, from the most well-known galleries and museums to independent studios and shows.

  • MIXS Goals

    MIXS has three main science objectives. These scientific goals are heavily linked to the goals of the Solar intensity X-ray Spectrometer (SIXS) which measures the spectrum of X-rays emitted by the Sun and the concentrations of particles in Mercury’s environment.

  • 24th January 2014 Sol 522

    Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on January 24, 2014 The Science Magazine papers about Yellowknife Bay have just been published: http://www.sciencemag.

  • Congratulations to Dr. Henrik Melin: New Webb Fellow!

    Dr Henrik Melin, of the University of Leicester, has been awarded a five-year Fellowship to study the giant planets using the James Webb Space Telescope, funded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), with support from the University of Leicester.

  • Leicester Institute for Advanced Studies explores interdisciplinary research one step at a time through the power of walking

    A new University of Leicester project hopes to explore the ‘power of walking’ and how it impacts academics’ research processes.

  • Love across cultural boundaries

    Sue Bishop, a local mature student studying at Leicester, is keen to hear from women around the county willing to share memories of their long-term mixed romantic relationships.

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