Arabic Post-beginners (Level 2)
Arabic course for post-beginners at Leicester University
German Upper-intermediate (Level 4)
Upper-intermediate German Course at Leicester University
Life as a Leicester postgraduate 2015 in review
The University of Leicester’s vibrant, active postgraduate research community participate in international conferences, are awarded prizes for their research, and share cutting-edge research with the wider community.
The MIXS optics were designed with inspiration from a lobster’s eye. This is because instead of using lenses, like how our eyes work, it uses mirrors to reflect the light. There are lots of small channels that allow the X-rays to be reflected and focused onto the detector.
Providing infrastructure and procedures that enable staff and students to follow the University’s sustainable travel hierarchy of: ‘Avoid unnecessary travel; Reduce travel; Choose efficient low-carbon travel; Maximise the benefits of the travel.’
Protecting children from war and violence
In any society subjected to war or violence, children are the innocent victims. Even if they are not injured themselves, the experience is understandably traumatic.
The University of Leicester’s International Professional Development Unit has welcomed many visiting postdoctoral fellows from a range of countries, including China, Saudi Arabia, and Kazakhstan.
Difficult Conversations
University of Leicester marks its centenary with a series of thought-provoking and informative talks by academics and guest speakers.
Richard III interest in India
News of the discovery and research into Richard III has been of global interest – but the University of Leicester news team were a little surprised to find a photo of a boy in India sporting a Richard III T-shirt.
International Partnership Space Project
Information on The International Partnership Space Project (IPSP), a collaboration between UK, Mexican and Brazilian institutions to improve the application of earth observation in the forest sector.