
10587 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • University involved in project to help children with asthma

    Owlstone Medical, a diagnostics company, has announced it has developed and received CE mark approval for a paediatric version of the company’s disease breathalyzer, ReCIVA™, which is now being used in EMBER (the East Midlands Breathomics Pathology Node).

  • Archaeology Dissertation

    Module code: AR3554 (double module) The final-year dissertation gives you the opportunity to bring together all the research skills and wider reading that you have continually been developing over the course of your degree and use these skills to produce an extended piece of...

  • May Day early 19th century traditions

    This article, written by Sarah Wood, was originally written for the Special Collections blog here Whilst many associate traditional celebrations of May Day with may poles and morris dancers, the University's Special Collections archive has been...

  • Life sciences industry partnering meetings now taking bookings

    The IAX showcase event on Wednesday 16 May at Winstanley House, Leicester, is the first activity in the University’s new 18-month IAX programme funded through the Medical Research Council’s Proximity to Discovery Scheme.

  • Leicestershires three universities join forces to fight blood cancer

    The University of Leicester, Loughborough University and De Montfort University have joined forces to create Leicestershire UNItes in partnership with the Rik Basra Leukaemia Campaign.

  • Genetics and early British population history

    Academic advisors Professor Simon James Professor Mark Jobling Dr Turi King Research Associate Dr Jon Wetton Published studies of the genetic diversity of the peoples of Britain have so far focused on uniparentally-inherited markers.

  • Immigration and indigenism in popular historical discourses

    Academic advisors Professor Steve Brown Professor Simon James The purpose of this project is to explore the ways in which popular narratives of historical migrations shape contemporary identities.

  • University of Leicester Act 1958

    The University of Leicester Act 1958 is an Act to dissolve the University College Leicester and the University College of Leicester and to transfer the rights properties and liabilities of those colleges to the University of Leicester and for other purposes.

  • 86-year-old PhD graduate amongst University of Leicester’s Class of 2023

    An 86-year-old was amongst the thousands of students who graduated from the University of Leicester last week. Stan Hardie was awarded a PhD in History on Thursday (17 January), making him the oldest graduate of the University’s Class of 2023.

  • Calculus and Optimisation

    Module code: EC1013 This module will provide the essential tools in calculus and optimisation to solve quantitative problems facing all economists.

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