
10585 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Cutting-edge telescope built at University of Leicester makes final departure to join SMILE mission

    The Soft X-ray Imager (SXI), led by University of Leicester scientists, has been completed and delivered for integration into the Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer (SMILE) spacecraft.

  • Open Days

    Book an Open Day at the University of Leicester. Take a tour of campus, speak to our expert academics and meet our current students. Become a Citizen of Change at a Top 30 university.

  • Publications

    Browse the publications written by academics where the Electron Microscopy Facility at the University of Leicester has been of use.

  • Environmental Futures MSc

    How do we understand and respond to the critical environmental challenges facing us all? These challenges increasingly demand new ways of thinking, grounded in cutting-edge research, to enable us to move forward into more equitable and sustainable futures.

  • Hate crime film recognised with two prestigious awards

    An educational video produced by the University of Leicester to expose the harms of hate crime has been awarded two prestigious awards.

  • Stonewall ranks us a top 50 employer for equality

    This year we have been ranked the 44th best employer in the UK for lesbian, gay, bi and trans staff. And in the same ranking our LGBT staff network have been highly commended for the work that they do.

  • Leicester ranked as a top three city for student living

    Leicester has been named one of the best cities to study in by the annual Student Living Index, ranking third in the UK after Manchester and Cambridge. Its Student Living Index sits at just 0.60, compared to 0.

  • PhD students

    Browse our current PhD students in the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, and see their contact details.

  • Senate regulation 9: Regulations governing Research Degree Programmes: Supervision, supervisory meetings, and postgraduate research tutors (9.79-9.108)

    Supervision of research students 9.78 A supervisory team must be appointed for every research student. The Head of Department or their nominee shall be responsible for approving the appointment of each supervisory team’s members.

  • Educational Leadership, Learning and Change

    Module code: ED7586 In this module you will explore current ideas about educational leadership which can support you in developing leadership in your own educational context.

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