
20946 results for: ‘%s’

  • Project investigates new proteinfolding process

    A new research project from our Department of Chemistry aims to overcome a fundamental problem in biochemistry, potentially allowing us to investigate the underlying causes of Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Increasing diversity among patients provides opportunity for empathy muscle workout

    New paper by University of Leicester researcher encourages health professionals to see diversity as an opportunity as a facilitator of empathy.

  • Leicester secures a Rugby Varsity double

    The University of Leicester's women and men's Rugby teams have secured a double Varsity victory over players from De Montfort University during matches played on Wednesday 18 March.

  • University of Leicester archaeologists identify ancient Stonehenge gold digging kit

    University of Leicester archaeologists have identified a 4000-year-old gold working tool kit amongst the grave goods from an important Bronze Age burial near Stonehenge.

  • Britain's colonial past reinterpreted

    A ground-breaking collaboration between the University of Leicester and the National Trust.

  • Anna Rebus - History, consultancy and distance learning

    Anna Rebus, graduate of both the MA in Museum Studies and the MA in Heritage and Interpretation, discusses the path she took after obtaining her Masters from the University of Leicester.

  • Gin: The only tonic to Brexit?

    UK and EU flag sprayed onto broken concrete|University of Leicester and Burleighs Gin team up to present a delicious way to engage in Brexit debate. The seemingly endless debate on Brexit has become hard to stomach for many of the British public.

  • Lopping the heads off daisies; at the heart of Enterprise.

    Posted by Martin Coffey in Postgraduate Researcher Careers on May 9, 2019 Success is not final; failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that matters. Winston Churchill.

  • Bioscience departments receive recognition for tackling gender inequality

    Our University has been further recognised for our commitment to tackling gender inequality in higher education with the announcement that two of our biosciences departments have received Athena SWAN awards.

  • Renaissance Literature B

    Module code: EN2320 (double module) This module introduces you to the landmark texts of the English Renaissance (excluding drama).

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