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Britain and the Roman World
Module code: AR3607 This module builds on what you learned in earlier modules about the Roman world (such as AR1603 Introduction to Classical Archaeology andAR2607 Archaeology of Roman World).
Archaeology of the Roman World
Module code: AR2607 Building on what you learned in AR1603 Introduction to Classical Archaeology, this module explores the Roman world, primarily through its material remains, in much greater depth.
Archaeology of the Roman World
Module code: AR2607 Building on what you learned in AR1603 Introduction to Classical Archaeology, this module explores the Roman world, primarily through its material remains, in much greater depth.
Britain and the Roman World
Module code: AR3607 This module builds on what you learned in earlier modules about the Roman world (such as AR1603 Introduction to Classical Archaeology andAR2607 Archaeology of Roman World).
Archaeology of the Roman World
Module code: AR2607 Building on what you learned in AR1603 Introduction to Classical Archaeology, this module explores the Roman world, primarily through its material remains, in much greater depth.
Britain and the Roman World
Module code: AR3607 This module builds on what you learned in earlier modules about the Roman world (such as AR1603 Introduction to Classical Archaeology andAR2607 Archaeology of Roman World).
Neurobiology and Animal Behaviour
Module code: BS2077 Module co-ordinator: Dr Jonathan McDearmid In this module you will study the neural and evolutionary basis of animal behaviour.