
10574 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Supermassive Black Holes and Large-Scale Structure

    Module code: PA4608 This module explores the role of supermassive black holes and the development of large-scale structure in the Universe.

  • Distributed Systems and Applications

    Module code: CO7090 Computer networks and distributed applications have a paramount role in everyday life. Nowadays, it is hard to imagine stand-alone systems or applications. Practically, any modern computing device offers the possibility of being connected with other devices.

  • Supermassive Black Holes and Large-Scale Structure

    Module code: PA4608 This module explores the role of supermassive black holes and the development of large-scale structure in the Universe.

  • Maths meets art in unique collaboration around minimal surfaces

    A unique collaboration between mathematicians and artists takes place at the Attenborough Arts Centre on Thursday 5 September.

  • Supermassive Black Holes and Large-Scale Structure

    Module code: PA4608 This module explores the role of supermassive black holes and the development of large-scale structure in the Universe.

  • Elementary Particles: The Standard Model and Beyond

    Module code: PA3604 This module will build on your knowledge in particle physics, by introducing the experiment methods of high-energy physics, discussing the key aspects of the Standard Model, and developing theoretical aspects of going beyond the standard model.

  • Elementary Particles: The Standard Model and Beyond

    Module code: PA3604 This module will build on your knowledge in particle physics, by introducing the experiment methods of high-energy physics, discussing the key aspects of the Standard Model, and developing theoretical aspects of going beyond the standard model.

  • Elementary Particles: The Standard Model and Beyond

    Module code: PA3604 This module will build on your knowledge in particle physics, by introducing the experiment methods of high-energy physics, discussing the key aspects of the Standard Model, and developing theoretical aspects of going beyond the standard model.

  • Researcher lands £250k funding to continue investigation into DNA damage and its link to cancer

    A university researcher has been awarded a prestigious prize to continue her cutting-edge work to understand how the body responds to DNA damage that can ultimately lead to cancer.

  • Leicester Physics students ‘prove’ Santa’s Christmas magic is REAL

    A group of Physics students at the University of Leicester have ‘proved’ that there is such a thing as Santa’s Christmas magic.

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