
9705 results for: ‘map’

  • Linear Algebra

    Module code: MA1114 Linear Algebra is an essential prerequisite for nearly all other areas of mathematics, from pure mathematical areas including algebra, geometry and analysis, via probability and statistics, and applied mathematics such as solving differential...

  • Linear Algebra

    Module code: MA1114 Linear Algebra is an essential prerequisite for nearly all other areas of mathematics, from pure mathematical areas including algebra, geometry and analysis, via probability and statistics, and applied mathematics such as solving differential...

  • Linear Algebra

    Module code: MA1114 Linear Algebra is an essential prerequisite for nearly all other areas of mathematics, from pure mathematical areas including algebra, geometry and analysis, via probability and statistics, and applied mathematics such as solving differential...

  • Mastering Medieval Sources

    Module code: HS7022/ML7022 The range and scale of sources for studying the Middle Ages is vast, and few students have had the opportunity to tackle more than a few during their undergraduate degrees.

  • HiVaCroM The High Value Crop Monitoring

    Details on the HiVaCroM research project for academic purposes.

  • Fast Food Britain

    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on July 28, 2017 Analysis by the Guardian has mapped fast food with social inequality and deprivation. One of the key concerns is that access to fast food will increase obesity.

  • (Dis)Connected Infrastructures and Violence Against Women project

    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on August 3, 2018 British Academy funded project involving staff from Kings College London, LSE and Indian universities.

  • Andy Merrills

    The academic profile of Professor Andy Merrills, Professor of Ancient History at University of Leicester

  • Programme

    8.30am-9.00am Registration and Refreshments 9.00am-9.05am Welcome/Induction 9.05am-9.15am Opening Remarks by Professor Richard Thomas 9.15am-10.00am Introductory Keynote: Professor Ian Haynes Engineering and the future of the past: Perspectives from Rome Transformed. 10.00am-10.

  • New joint venture to tackle air pollution announced

    EarthSense Systems, a new joint venture between aerial mapping company Bluesky and our University, is set to spearhead innovations in air quality monitoring.

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