New Fungal Spore Calendar helps allergy and asthma sufferers plan for better health
Leicester researchers have developed England’s first comprehensive fungal spore calendar—a valuable new tool designed to help allergy and asthma patients better manage symptoms through seasonal awareness
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at ULSB
Find out about the School of Business' Equality, Diversity and inclusion work
The Novel Around the World
Module code: EN1020 (double module) On this module you will read six novels written in varying styles, and drawn from a range of historical and national contexts.
The Novel Around the World
Module code: EN1020 (double module) On this module you will read six novels written in varying styles, and drawn from a range of historical and national contexts.
Are we entering a new age
Professor Jan Zalasiewicz (pictured) from the Department of Geology has been interviewed by Academic Minute discussing the Anthropocene and whether mankind has entered a new age.
Research Staff and Early Career Researchers
Information on development opportunities for staff, engagement and impact, research effectiveness, quantitative skills, qualitative skills and supporting postgraduate researchers.
Literary Leicester commemorates Evelyn Waugh with day of events
The University's Literary Leicester festival will commemorate fifty years since the death of one of the English language’s most revered novelists, Evelyn Waugh, with a day dedicated to his life and work, curated by experts preparing an unprecedented collection of his...
A Multi-Scalar Solution for England
Posted by Martin Quinn in School of Business Blog on December 17, 2014 Lecturer in Regional Development at the School Martin Quinn outlines his proposal for a new regional development infrastructure The recent referendum on Scottish independence has plugged ‘ the West Lothian...
William Farrell: Page 2
I work in the Library's Research Services Team. I provide open publishing services, including Leicester Open Journals, as well as supporting literature searching and reference management.
Management of airway disease
Specialists Bankart Beardsmore Bradding Brightling Coats Gaillard Green Morgan Pandya Siddiqui Singh Steiner Thompson Wardlaw We are fully committed to a translational approach to our research and are keen to take our...