Colin Hyde
Colin Hyde manages the East Midlands Oral History Archive, based in Special Collections.
History of Sex and Crime in Wales
History of sex and crime in eighteenth and early nineteenth-century Wales
Report suggests delaying school entry for preterm babies may not be the answer
A new report launched today suggests that prematurely born babies are more likely to have learning difficulties at school age, and the risk increases the earlier they are born.
Academic Writing Skills
Module code: LM1500 All students on the course begin their studies with a short introductory module called Academic Writing Skills.
Physics and Astronomy
Find your research degree supervisor in Physics and Astronomy at Leicester.
Over £600,000 for University of Leicester to shrink AI algorithms for smarter spacecraft
Multidisciplinary team from University of Leicester receives £690,000 funding from UK Space Agency and aims to develop and demonstrate streamlined machine learning algorithms suitable for limited spacecraft power and computing performance
William Farrell: Page 2
I work in the Library's Research Services Team. I provide open publishing services, including Leicester Open Journals, as well as supporting literature searching and reference management.
Carceral Archipelago: Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester: Page 2
Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester
About the project
Find out more about the ‘Dons, Yardies and Posses: Representations of Jamaican Organised Crime’ project as part of English research at the University of Leicester.
£2.6 million centre to train mineral resources experts for a new generation
Training and Research Group for Energy Transition Mineral Resources (TARGET) to be led by University of Leicester with universities, research organisations and industrial partners from across the UK to train the next generation of mineral resource experts to help the shift to...