South-South Galaxy
Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on May 10, 2019 A new website launched the UN Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC). The project intends to give support to countries of the South, so they can share best practice and knowledge.
Behind the Scenes at the 21st Century Museum
Posted by Robin Clarke in School of Museum Studies Blog on March 9, 2015 The Museum of Liverpool © Ben Kirkpatrick You can now sign up for our MOOC (Massive Open Online Course): Behind the Scenes at the 21 st Century Museum , which will run for 6 weeks from 1 st June 2015.
Six leading Midlands universities launch flagship initiative to support research innovation and growth in the region
A major new fund designed to drive cutting-edge research, innovation and skills across the Midlands Engine, has been officially launched today with significant backing from Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne.
Employability and careers
Our programme has been designed and recognised for its innovative approach to employability, winning the Embedding Employability element of the UK Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence in 2017.
First Year Tutorials
Module code: GL1100 We believe that students benefit significantly from small group teaching, which has been shown to improve retention of information, enhance critical thinking skills, and consolidate learning.
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Module code: NT3011 'Condensed Matter' explores the physics that underpins the behaviour of electrons in crystalline solid materials and is included in the Institute of Physics “core of physics” material.
First Year Tutorials
Module code: GL1100 We believe that students benefit significantly from small group teaching, which has been shown to improve retention of information, enhance critical thinking skills, and consolidate learning.
Homepage of Dr Fuxiang Chen
The academic profile of Dr Fuxiang Chen, Lecturer (Assistant Professor)
First Year Tutorials
Module code: GL1100 We believe that students benefit significantly from small group teaching, which has been shown to improve retention of information, enhance critical thinking skills, and consolidate learning.
The University of Leicester offers support and advice for students with dyslexia or other specific learning difficulties as well as working with students who have sensory disabilities, mobility difficulties; mental health conditions and autism.