8th January 2014 Sol 506
Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on January 8, 2014 Its Stargazing Live at University of Leicester today.
About the University of Leicester
We are a leading university committed to international excellence, world-changing research and high quality, inspirational teaching.
SAPPHIRE hosts successful interdisciplinary workshop on antibiotic prescribing
Posted by ekrockow in SAPPHIRE (Social science APPlied to Healthcare Improvement REsearch) on October 16, 2018 Is antibiotic overuse compromising the efficacy of current drugs? Are we going to run out of effective antibiotics? What interdisciplinary approaches may be useful...
Marking of assessed work excluding the Thesis
(3)9.8 Marking shall be undertaken in accordance with agreed written criteria.
School of Business talk to ask whether statistics matter in a world of fake news
For an upcoming lecture, National Statistician John Pullinger will discuss how statistical communication between those creating and using statistics can be improved.
The Cultural Value of Engaging with Museums and Galleries
This event explored the findings of RCMG’s research on the cultural value of museums and galleries.
Royal Astronomical Society Fowler Award for Beatriz Sanchez-Cano
A researcher from the University of Leicester has been recognised by the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) for her ‘significant contribution’ to scientists’ understanding of the Martian atmosphere.
Destruction of Old St Pauls Cathedral highlights Great Fire of Londons devastating impact
In 1666 the Great Fire of London burned its way through the city, displacing thousands of residents and destroying many buildings - including Old St Paul’s Cathedral.
Classical Worlds: Translation and Reception
Module code: EN3151 Many political, religious, educational and cultural developments in Europe over the last millennium have been influenced by – or have reacted against – classical Greek or Roman precedents.
Classical Worlds: Translation and Reception
Module code: EN3151 Many political, religious, educational and cultural developments in Europe over the last millennium have been influenced by – or have reacted against – classical Greek or Roman precedents.