
19770 results for: ‘%s’

  • The cotton bobbin: symbolic of a lost heritage?

    Read the article "The cotton bobbin: symbolic of a lost heritage?" This is part of the Social Worlds project at the University of Leicester.

  • Articles

    View our archive of articles about the Engineering Building at the University of Leicester

  • Senate regulation 9: Regulations governing Research Degree Programmes: Research student responsibilities, copyright, and leave (9.140-9.177)

    Research student obligations and research conduct 9.139 Research students must familiarise themselves with the general definitions of misconduct specified in Senate Regulation 11. These include both academic and non-academic forms of misconduct. 9.

  • Ruth Brittle

    The academic profile of Dr Ruth Brittle, Lecturer at University of Leicester

  • Professor David Bradshaw, 1955-2016

    Posted by Barbara Cooke in Waugh and Words on September 15, 2016 The Complete Works of Evelyn Waugh project is deeply sad to announce the untimely passing of our Co-Investigator, David Bradshaw. David had been ill with cancer for some months.

  • Research committed to moving away from toxic chemotherapy

    As Leicester prepares to host its event on Thursday 24 September as part of cancer survivor Rik Basra’s ‘Pass It On’ campaign, academics will showcase their research and explain what they are doing to pave the way for new leukaemia treatments in the future.

  • Decolonising the Pitt Rivers Collection

    While applying for my placement, there was little doubt what my first choice was.

  • New community archaeology project in Market Bosworth receives Lottery funding

    Bosworth Links - a new community archaeology project that provides residents the opportunity to carry out excavations in order to learn more about their town’s history has received a grant of £29,000 by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF).

  • University Professor receives Lifetime Achievement award

    Professor Tony Gershlick (pictured), Honorary Professor of Interventional Cardiology at our University and Consultant Cardiologist at Leicester’s Hospitals has been awarded the inaugural British Cardiovascular Intervention Society (BCIS) Lifetime Achievement Career Award for...

  • European Space Agency guest to deliver George Fraser Memorial Lecture

    The European Space Agency's Elsa Montagnon will speak on 'Operating Spacecraft: A Career Operating ESA’s Fleet Throughout the Solar System' for Space Park Leicester on Wednesday, 25 September.

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