
13354 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • G

    Gale Digital Scholar Lab Browser-based Digital Humanities tool for easy-to-use interrogation and analysis of primary source data, including videos with live walkthroughs, sample projects, glossaries, FAQs, and other instructional materials in "The Learning Center".

  • Chesterfield, Derbyshire

    Listen to speakers from Chesterfield, Derbyshire from a range of backgrounds as part of the dialect project between researchers from Nottingham Trent University and the University of Leicester.

  • Critical Game Studies

    Module code: MS7218 Module co-ordinator: Dr Alison Harvey Video games are an increasing important creative media form, and they have been the object of great academic inquiry in the last two decades.

  • It is Ok to not feel OK

    Posted by Martin Coffey in Postgraduate Researcher Careers on July 1, 2020 At the start of the Wellbeing Webinars for PGRs and ECRs here at the University of Leicester I sometimes find myself referring to the trend for emails to begin with, or contain, reference to ‘these...

  • Project to challenge marginalisation of women in video game industry

    The marginalised status of women in the video game industry will be challenged by a new international research project involving Dr Alison Harvey from the Department of Media and Communication.

  • Glossary of Terms

    Glossary of terms explains unfamiliar terms used within context of page

  • Research Methods for the Online World

    Module code: MS7042 There are many methods you can use to collect qualitative data, and this module will explore how you can do this, as well as how to interpret it.

  • Research Methods for the Online World

    Module code: MS7042 There are many methods you can use to collect qualitative data, and this module will explore how you can do this, as well as how to interpret it.

  • Research Methods for the Online World

    Module code: MS7042 There are many methods you can use to collect qualitative data, and this module will explore how you can do this, as well as how to interpret it.

  • Ice-cream and Improvement University of Leicester

    Clinical Physiotherapist uses research into freezing ice-cream and her own clinical perspective to argue the importance of handing over accurate information following successful quality improvement interventions.

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