
10272 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • Europe as a Global Actor

    Module code: PL7596 In this module you'll develop a critical understanding of Europe’s 'actorness' on the global stage.

  • Europe as a Global Actor

    Module code: PL7596 In this module you'll develop a critical understanding of Europe’s 'actorness' on the global stage.

  • Leicester Learning Institute: Enhancing learning and teaching: Academic and staff blogs from the Uni

    Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester

  • Postgraduate programmes

    Learn about the postgraduate courses available in Media and Communications at the University of Leicester. We offer full-time campus-based Masters degrees alongside distance learning programmes for those seeking more flexible learning opportunities.

  • Leicester and Cerner in new research partnership to improve healthcare

    Our University is partnering with Cerner, a global health informatics service provider, to understand how the integration of environmental data into a Population Health management system can help improve patient outcomes and communities’ health.

  • Experiential learning: what does sleeping on cardboard tell me about homelessness?

    Posted by apatel in Leicester Learning Institute: Enhancing learning and teaching on March 21, 2019 Trigger warning: this blog may be TMI for some people, so don’t read on if you are easily offended.

  • Global Communications and Development

    Module code: MS7082 During this module you’ll discuss and assess the relationship between communication and development in national and global contexts, as well as how this has changed over time.

  • Global Communications and Development

    Module code: MS7082 During this module you’ll discuss and assess the relationship between communication and development in national and global contexts, as well as how this has changed over time.

  • Global Communications and Development

    Module code: MS7082 During this module you’ll discuss and assess the relationship between communication and development in national and global contexts, as well as how this has changed over time.

  • Engaging Audiences: Education, Learning and Participation

    Module code: MU7546 As museums become increasingly committed to their communities, audiences, and social purposes, the traditional notions of education and learning have found new avenues of practice and significance at the core of the museum’s work.

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