
9364 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • Academic Skills and Knowledge

    Module code: MN7206 Module co-ordinator: Dr Andrea Davies Module Outline This formative assessment module introduces you to the virtual learning environment and shows you how to effectively utilise this during your course.

  • Environmental laboratory

    The environmental laboratory is dedicated to the analysis of plant macro-remains from archaeological sites (archaeobotany or paleoethnobotany).

  • Succeed at Leicester

    FInd out more about your course, the practical elements of studying and living at university, and how you can Succeed at Leicester.

  • Environmental Geoscience

    Module code: GL3102 Human activity has had an unprecedented impact on the Earth. We have modified - and continue to modify - our planet. In this module, you'll explore the role of a geoscientist in monitoring, measuring and mitigating the effects of humans on the world.

  • Environmental Geoscience

    Module code: GL3102 Human activity has had an unprecedented impact on the Earth. We have modified - and continue to modify - our planet. In this module, you'll explore the role of a geoscientist in monitoring, measuring and mitigating the effects of humans on the world.

  • Environmental Geoscience

    Module code: GL3102 Human activity has had an unprecedented impact on the Earth. We have modified - and continue to modify - our planet. In this module, you'll explore the role of a geoscientist in monitoring, measuring and mitigating the effects of humans on the world.

  • Tackling complex issues with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®

    Posted by in Leicester Learning Institute: Enhancing learning and teaching on March 6, 2017 I suspect we’ve all come across LEGO at some point in our lives: either through fond memories of childhood building, or slightly more painful memories as parents stepping on stray...

  • Fostering dialogue and interaction in seminars and group tutorials

    Posted by Steve Rooney in Leicester Learning Institute: Enhancing learning and teaching on September 18, 2019 This is a draft preview version of a resource currently in production.

  • Trident and Triremes: funding for research into nuclear weapons and Ancient Greece

    Two University of Leicester academics have received more than three and a half million euros from the European Research Council for major projects investigating the ancient past and the world of the future.

  • Space Park Leicester move for growing air quality monitoring firm

    A University of Leicester spinout created to tackle air pollution is moving to a new research and innovation centre launched to support the city’s fast-growing space industry.

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