Medicinal Chemistry MChem
This four-year degree expands on the Medicinal Chemistry BSc to prepare you for high-level entry into the industry. It’s also a solid base for pursuing PhD research.
Convicts and other (“free” and “unfree”) workers. Views from the First ELHN Conference
Posted by Christian De Vito in Carceral Archipelago on December 19, 2015 How can we frame convict labour in the broader context of entangled labour relations? This is one of the key-questions in the Carceral Archipelago project, which seeks to understand how (especially...
Admin, Conference, and Website, Oh My!
Posted by Emma Battell Lowman in Carceral Archipelago on April 22, 2015 In the year since I joined The Carceral Archipelago, it has been a pleasure to support the novel and extensive research being conducted by the project’s members.
Announcing the Carceral Archipelago Conference Call for Papers
Posted by Emma Battell Lowman in Carceral Archipelago on June 3, 2014 We are excited to open the Call For Papers (CFP) for the Carceral Archipelago’s upcoming international conference, The Carceral Archipelago: Transnational Circulations in Global Perspective,...
Next Scarman Lecture discuss lifecycle of riots
The esteemed criminologist Professor Tim Newburn (pictured) will visit Leicester to deliver this year's Scarman Lecture series.
ID check and visa checkpoint information for new students starting at the University of Leicester.
Carbon legacy goes up in smoke
It reads like a movie script – ash falling from the sky, thick smoke shutting down airports and businesses, road closures trapping remote northern villages.
Vice-Chancellor speaks out on gender inequality in universities at international conference
Our President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Boyle has addressed the issue of gender inequality in universities at an international conference in Cape Town, South Africa.
Financial Services Information Systems
Module code: CO7218 Business organisations worldwide are experiencing a number of market forces that have significant impact on the way they used to think on and operate their IT systems.
Equality and diversity
Find out how Museum Studies at the University of Leicester is committed to equality and diversity, fostering an inclusive enviroment for staff and students.