Universitys Wellbeing Week activities encourage healthy living
A number of exciting events to promote good health and wellbeing will be hosted by the University as part of Wellbeing Week 2017, between 27 February and 3 March.
Colin Hyde
Colin Hyde manages the East Midlands Oral History Archive, based in Special Collections.
University of Leicester staff blogs Georgian chocolate-making rooms open to the public after 300 yea
Posted by Julie Coleman in School of English Blog on March 27, 2014 [From a University of Leicester Press Release] The Georgian royal chocolate-making rooms at Hampton Court Palace have been rediscovered and are open to the public for the first time in almost 300 years – and...
Doctor wins international award for social media and healthcare research
Dr Damian Roland (pictured), Honorary Senior Lecturer in the Department of Health Sciences, has won an international award for his research into social media and healthcare.
Mission Control Flight Director Gerry Griffin – National Space Centre Live Q&A
Posted by Physics & Astronomy in Physics and Astronomy Blog on 9 December 2020 Join the National Space Centre for a live Q&A session with Apollo 17 Mission Control Flight Director Gerry Griffin, as part of their LIVE Space Q&A sessions this Friday December 11th.
'The Isolated Baronet' Calke Abbey and RCMG address contemporary isolation and loneliness
Read more about ideas relating to contemporary isolation and loneliness - a research project led by the Research Centre for Museums and Galleries.
Leicester expands international offer for student placements
Leicester students will be offered even more global opportunities to enhance their studies in the next academic year, funded by a major UK Government project.
Students called upon to help tackle gender and sexual violence on university campuses worldwide
Our University is harnessing the insight and experience of its students in a bid to stamp out sexual and gender-based violence on university campuses worldwide.
Leicester City legend becomes patron of Cardiac Surgery Research group
Leicester City Football Club’s ambassador and former player, Alan Birchenall MBE, has become the patron for the Leicester Cardiac Surgery Research Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) group.
Oral history projects in Rutland
Browse projects and oral history materials from Rutland, including the Heritage of Rutland Water, a project about England's largest man-made lake in its smallest county.