
8685 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • Introducing students to what lectures are for (and not for)

    Posted by Steve Rooney in Leicester Learning Institute: Enhancing learning and teaching on September 18, 2019 This is a draft preview version of a resource currently in production.

  • Tackling complex issues with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®

    Posted by in Leicester Learning Institute: Enhancing learning and teaching on March 6, 2017 I suspect we’ve all come across LEGO at some point in our lives: either through fond memories of childhood building, or slightly more painful memories as parents stepping on stray...

  • Fostering dialogue and interaction in seminars and group tutorials

    Posted by Steve Rooney in Leicester Learning Institute: Enhancing learning and teaching on September 18, 2019 This is a draft preview version of a resource currently in production.

  • Cardiovascular Sciences

    Find your research degree supervisor in Cardiovascular Sciences at Leicester.

  • Equality and diversity

    Find out how Museum Studies at the University of Leicester is committed to equality and diversity, fostering an inclusive enviroment for staff and students.

  • Chemistry MChem

    This four-year degree expands on the Chemistry BSc to prepare you for high-level entry into the industry. It’s also a solid base for pursuing PhD research.

  • Study skills

    We offer a variety of support to students with dyslexia and/or other learning difficulties.

  • Spanish Language (Beginners)

    Module code: SP1040 Our language modules for Beginners are intensive courses which bring you up to A2 Level of the common European Framework for languages (CEFR) in a year.

  • Italian Language (Beginners)

    Module code: IT1040 Our language modules for Beginners are intensive courses which bring you up to A2 Level of the common European Framework for languages (CEFR) in a year.

  • Spanish Language (Beginners)

    Module code: SP1020+SP1021 Our language modules for Beginners are intensive courses which bring you up to A2 Level of the common European Framework for languages (CEFR) in a year.

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