Arts Council England renews support for Leicester’s Attenborough Arts Centre with £210,800 annual funding
Attenborough Arts Centre has its status as National Portfolio Organisation renewed by Arts Council England.
Decolonising the Curriculum: How is black history taught in schools?
Posted by apatel in Leicester Learning Institute: Enhancing learning and teaching on November 29, 2018 Angelina Osborne, on BBC Woman’s hour discussing Olive Morris and her legacy as a black activist.
Reading Film
Module code: HA1307 Reading Film is a first year survey module intended to introduce you to how we go about ‘reading’ (analysing, interpreting, understanding) film texts. The module is based on close readings of a range of different types of films.
Reading Film
Module code: HA1307 Reading Film is a first year survey module intended to introduce you to how we go about ‘reading’ (analysing, interpreting, understanding) film texts. The module is based on close readings of a range of different types of films.
Cider-making in Wales: It’s a family affair.
Posted by in Consuming Authenticities on July 29, 2015 During the course of research into Welsh craft cider I have spoken with many cider-makers at all scales of the craft cider industry in Wales.
Swirlonic super particles baffle physicists
In recent years, active, self-propelled particles have received growing interest amongst the scientific community. Examples of active particles and their systems are numerous and very diverse, ranging from bacterium films to flocks of birds or human crowds.
Global cluster
The University of Leicester's Global, Colonial and Postcolonial research cluster, which aims to discover more about the numerous aspects of imperial, colonial and global history.
Language, Power and Persuasion
Module code: EN3206 This module looks at how language is used by the powerful, considering the implications this has for our understanding of language, and the freedoms of society.
Authorship and Authority
Module code: EN7241 If you choose the 15,000-word MA English Literature dissertation, you will also take this module.
Advanced Cognitive Neuroscience
Module code: PS3120 This module will provide an introduction to the range of methods available to contemporary cognitive neuroscientists. These include neuropharmacology, electrophysiology, neuropsychology, neuroimaging and transcranial magnetic stimulation.