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  • New BBC Radio 3 drama inspired by rare Joe Orton manuscript

    A rare and previously unpublished manuscript by playwright Joe Orton located within the Joe Orton Archive has inspired an upcoming BBC Radio 3 drama.

  • University signs Memorandum of Understanding with NATO Defense College

    Our University and the NATO Defense College (NDC) have concluded a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), it has been announced today.

  • Expert opinions cover Airbnb and Rio the Turkish coup Jupiters Great Red Spot the refugee crisis and consumer justice

    Henrik Melin from the Department of Physics and Astronomy has written a Staff Blog discussing the upper atmosphere of Jupiter.

  • Watch speeches for Attenborough Arts gallery opening in full

    You can now watch the full speeches from the opening of Attenborough Arts’ new galleries wing, given by the centre Director Michaela Butter, President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Boyle and Sir David Attenborough. Sir David officially opened the new £1.

  • Discovery of Hadrosaur footprint over 30 years ago was first dinosaur fossil finding in Scotland

    Recent discoveries in Patagonia and other parts of South America as part of a four-year study has revealed a ‘mass grave’ littered with charred bone fragments of the ‘duck-billed’ Hadrosaur which has helped describe how changing environmental conditions led to the extinction...

  • University of Leicester academics speak out following Hillsborough inquests verdicts

    Two University academics have spoken out following the announcement of the verdicts from the Hillsborough disaster inquests.

  • Scientists identify way to sniff ripeness of fruit

    For the first time, scientists have identified a way to ‘sniff’ the ripeness of mangoes. They have identified the unique chemical signature of ripening for mangoes and published their research in the academic journal Metabolomics.

  • About the project

    The overall goal of this study is to provide a theoretical, empirical and analytical approach to the transnational, or global, study of convict transportation and its legacies, and its relationship to the history of labour, migration, and confinement.

  • The Hellenistic World

    Module code: AH3701 In many ways, the Hellenistic World is the most Greek of all periods – with spectacular architecture, widespread democratic institutions, and cosmopolitan culture.

  • Scientists discover strange nude fossil creature from half a billion years ago

    Scientists from our School of Geography, Geology and the Environment have discovered the fossil of an unusual large-bodied ‘nude’ sea-creature from half a billion years ago.

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