Research Methods
Module code: CH7204 In this module, we will be exploring the key concepts and concerns associated with undertaking research at all levels, from dissertations to national large-scale funded projects.
Module code: GY1412 This module begins with a question that, at first, seems very straightforward but in reality is quite complex: what is nature? You'll be considering the ways that nature has been understood throughout history, by looking at ideas about nature in...
Module code: GY1412 This module begins with a question that, at first, seems very straightforward but in reality is quite complex: what is nature? You'll be considering the ways that nature has been understood throughout history, by looking at ideas about nature in...
Media Solidarities and Human Rights
Module code: MS7221 On the one hand global media promotes inclusion and empowerment, but on the other hand it also constructs otherness and exclusion – you’ll be investigating these conflicting processes.
Country Reports on Terrorism 2015
Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on June 10, 2016 Just released by the US state Department, these annual reports have regional and country reports as well as essays reviewing global trends, terrorism safe havens and terrorist organisations.
The Carceral Archipelago is a €1.5m European Research Council funded project, running from 2013-18. Directed by Professor Clare Anderson, a team of researchers and postgraduate students are working on a global history of penal colonies, 1415-1960.
Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
Module code: CO2114 The rise and rise of artificial intelligence is providing numerous tools that are revolutionising all aspects of our life and the world.
Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
Module code: CO2114 The rise and rise of artificial intelligence is providing numerous tools that are revolutionising all aspects of our life and the world.
Leaders In Healthcare 18: Chief Medical Officers Panel
Posted by Nate in Medical Leadership in the Foundations on November 15, 2018 I’m lucky enough to be spending half of this week at Leaders In Healthcare 2018, a national conference from the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management and the BMJ.
Bogdan Grechuk
The academic profile of Dr Bogdan Grechuk, Associate Professor at University of Leicester