
21007 results for: ‘%s’

  • The Historical Archaeology of England

    Module code: AR7032 This module will enable you to build a detailed understanding of the historical landscape of England in many periods.

  • Events

    Events hosted by the Centre for Regional and Local History

  • Professor Giasemi Vavoula

    The academic profile of Professor Giasemi Vavoula, Museum Studies, University of Leicester

  • Obituaries

    It is with great sadness that we record the loss of students, graduates and members of staff, past and current. If you know of a recently passed person who should be included here, please email

  • Supermassive Black Holes and Large-Scale Structure

    Module code: PA4608 This module explores the role of supermassive black holes and the development of large-scale structure in the Universe.

  • Crisis Management

    Module code: MN3165  Gain the knowledge and skills to comprehend and effectively manage global crises with MN3165. Explore the complicated nature of disasters and gain the expertise to effectively address the challenges in a society.

  • Research Fellows and Associates

    Browse a list of History at Leicester's Research Fellows and Associates. Find out how to contact us via telephone or email.

  • Dialect

    A research project conducted by researchers from Nottingham Trent University and the Univeristy of Leicester aimed to find differences in regional dialects in the East Midlands over the past century. Learn more.

  • 100 years of the University Library: open house and centenary lecture

    5 May 2023, 1.30pm - 5.00pm followed by drinks reception Join the Library team for this special event to celebrate 100 years since our official opening on 5 May 1923.

  • Academic year: 2004-2005

    Browse the speakers from the Centre for English Local History's seminar events, held in 2004-2005.

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