Midlands companies receive boost from Leicester through KTP funding
Two Midlands-based companies have been given a huge boost after Leicester secured grants on their behalf for innovation projects worth more than £300,000.
Legacy of Partition collection
The Legacy of Partition collection is made up of interviews with 17 people with memories and discussions surrounding the 60th anniversary since the partition of India. Learn more about the project.
Brain Awareness Week 2019
The Division of Biomedical Services was proud to take part in the University of Leicester's Brain Awareness event in March 2019.
Module code: NT4013 The Physics Skills Electives are designed to help you improve your skills and enhance your career options in industry, education, research and/or business.
Introduction to Astrophysics
Combine this unit with two others to form the module 'Introduction to Physics Specialisms' Astrophysics is the branch of physics concerned with using the laws of physics to understand the Universe and its constituent parts.
Module code: PA3246 The Physics Skills Electives are designed to help you improve your skills and enhance your career options in industry, education, research and/or business.
Intermediate Microeconomics
Module code: EC2012 This module is all about how our decisions affect the market. You will look at the factors that influence economic changes including the choices consumer make under different conditions (certainty vs uncertainty) and solve simple consumer problems.
Introduction to Astrophysics
Combine this unit with two others to form the module 'Introduction to Physics Specialisms' Astrophysics is the branch of physics concerned with using the laws of physics to understand the Universe and its constituent parts.
Module code: PA3246 The Physics Skills Electives are designed to help you improve your skills and enhance your career options in industry, education, research and/or business.
First-in-the-family Leicester students front national university campaign
Two trailblazing students who had their lives transformed by the University of Leicester have been chosen to front a national campaign promoting Higher Education.