
21017 results for: ‘%s’

  • Leadership for Social Justice in Education (Lead Module)

    Module code: ED7309 This first module of the Educational Leadership pathway discusses images of schools and schooling, the construction of collaborative and inclusive cultures that engage the enthusiasm of learners and promote their learning and the development of staff,...

  • Critical Reflections on Classroom Practice

    Module code: ED7050 (double module) Reflecting critically on your experience of working with young learners in the primary classroom will allow you to develop your understanding of a wide range of approaches to learning.

  • Learning Technologies 2: Learning Design for the 21st Century

    Module code: ED7602 This module introduces you to new learning design methodology which guides practitioners in making informed, explicit choices about which technologies can support different forms of learning.

  • Mathematical Physics 1.2

    Module code: PA1720 This module will continue your training in the fundamental mathematical techniques that are necessary for degree-level physics including Institute of Physics ‘core of physics’ material such as differential equations, matrices, and complex numbers.

  • 20th Century French Literature

    Module code: FR1014 Literature of the 20th century has been filled with experimentation and innovation.

  • The Medieval Mediterranean World

    Module code: AR2043 This module will explore key developments in the history and archaeology of the Mediterranean world, with a broad time-frame of c.AD500 to AD1500.

  • Greek and Latin Language for Ancient History (Diploma Level)

    Module code: AH2554 You will take this module if you are studying for a BA (or Certificate or Diploma) in Archaeology and decide you would like to transfer to the BA (or Diploma) in Ancient History and Classical Archaeology.

  • Key Concepts in International Relations

    Module code: PL1022 In effect, International Relations is the study of relationships. It looks at the link between political entities, and the systems, alliances, conflicts and diplomacy that comes out of it.

  • Professional Development

    Module code: RA1000 This module will provide the opportunity for you to learn the principles of working as a radiographer and the professional attributes you will utilise.

  • Employment Law Dissertation

    Module code: LW7803 (double module) The dissertation module is designed to further enhance your independent research skills and investigate legal issues in an area of employment law.

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