
928 results for: ‘ethics4sports’

  • Inclusive Collections

    Our Collections Development Strategy states that ‘we will create an inclusive and diverse collection that supports learning and research’.

  • Slavery in the ancient world

    Module code: AH2701 Slavery was ever-present and deep rooted in the ancient world. In this level 2 module we will explore how the models of slavery in the ancient Mediterranean varied considerably, as did attitudes towards it.

  • Slavery in the ancient world

    Module code: AH2701 Slavery was ever-present and deep rooted in the ancient world. In this level 2 module we will explore how the models of slavery in the ancient Mediterranean varied considerably, as did attitudes towards it.

  • Slavery in the ancient world

    Module code: AH2701 Slavery was ever-present and deep rooted in the ancient world. In this level 2 module we will explore how the models of slavery in the ancient Mediterranean varied considerably, as did attitudes towards it.

  • Previous research projects

    Explore our previous research projects including how children understand the law and interdisciplinary research around medical law.

  • What can Critics of Management and Critics of Economics learn from each other?

    Posted by in School of Business Blog on February 19, 2014 Neil Lancastle, one of the School’s current PhD students, brings his experience of curricular reform in economics to bear upon the promises (and problems) of being “critical” in a School of Management.

  • Culture sector backs trans inclusion guidance for museums, galleries, archives and heritage

    Trans-inclusive Culture: Guidance on advancing trans inclusion for museums, galleries, archives and heritage organisations

  • Midlands Medical Law Consortium

    The Midlands Medical Law Consortium organised a series of seminars/workshops examining the topic of ‘Faith and Belief and its Impact on the Development and Operation of Healthcare Law’ over a period of 2 years.

  • Critical Analysis for Management

    Module code: MN3102 This module provides theoretical and practical insights into how human resource management can be deployed to influence overall organisation strategy.

  • Critical Analysis for Management

    Module code: MN3102 This module provides theoretical and practical insights into how human resource management can be deployed to influence overall organisation strategy.

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