Expert opinions cover Juno Jupiter the Kurdish Referendum and hacking
Dr Leigh Fletcher from the Department of Physics and Astronomy has written an article discussing some of the latest developments from the Juno mission.
Leicester reaches 15 million readers on The Conversation
Academics from across the University have collectively captured the imagination of over 1.5 million readers through more than 130 articles on The Conversation, setting a new milestone for Leicester in delivering expert opinion pieces in response to topical news.
Talking points a range of topical issues tackled by academics 2 8 July
Professor Rodrigo Quian Quiroga from the Centre for Systems Neuroscience has written an article for The Conversation into new research examining how the brain encodes memories.
Study Abroad Unit
The Study Abroad unit is part of the Centre for International Training and Education (CITE). It is responsible for student and staff exchanges and study abroad links with universities worldwide.
The University of Leicester School of Geography, Geology and the Environment was formed on 1 August 2017, bringing together the former departments of Geography and Geology. Find out more about us.
European Day of Languages (and from all over the world)
Languages at Leicester aims to encourage language learning across Europe by hosting a European day of languages annually. Find out more.
LiFE MAT Primary
LiFE MAT and Partners School Direct is a unique partnership of 9 Secondary and 4 Primary schools in Leicestershire. Our partnership of schools allows us to be small enough to care and know each trainee really well so that we can identify needs and target support.
Making an application
Find information on applying for primary and secondary PGCE teacher training with the University of Leicester via UCASTT, UCAS Teacher Training, and also see guidance on submitting references.
Find out more about past and upcoming events for the Vulnerability Studies Network at the University of Leicester.
Students with existing dyslexia reports
If you have an existing dyslexia report, we can make the appropriate exam arrangements for your studies.