
199 results for: ‘biochemistry’

  • mkj13

    PlanetarySeminar: Solar wind and planetary magnetospheres coupling: macrophysical and microphysical processes.

  • Volcanoes, Tectonics and Mineral Resources

    Volcanology research investigates the evolution of the Earth’s crust and its interrelationships with the mantle and atmosphere/ocean system.

  • Volcanology

    Our volcanology research covers volcanic eruptions and magmatic processes in many different parts of the world

  • Shale Gas Research

    Find out more about Shale Gas Research at the University of Leicester.

  • Leicester engineers to stress test new technology to store waste heat

    A Europe-wide project developing a new electrothermal energy storage system involves materials experts at the University of Leicester and will take advantage of phase change materials (PCMs) to efficiently store heat

  • Academic and research staff

    Browse the academic staff who work, teach and research in the School of Geography, Geology and the Environment, and see their contact details.

  • Developmental genetics for schools and colleges

    Details on developmental genetics for students in schools or colleges, provided by The University of Leicester.

  • Expedition 339: Mediterranean Outflow

    November 2011 – January 2012 Expedition 339 was primarily paleoceanographic in nature, focusing mainly on the investigation of  Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) through the Strait of Gibraltar (Gibraltar Gateway) and its influence on North Atlantic Ocean circulation and...

  • 2017

    Here the list of publications of 2017 can be found.

  • public lecture: 'Webcams, Fantasy Chat and Escorting: Sexual Commerce in the Digital Age'

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