Museum Studies sets stage for global dialogue
The School of Museum Studies is celebrating its 50th anniversary with an event that examines the changing role of museums. The School has organised a conference and a number of events.
Theres a Buzz about Leicester
Leicester’s reputation and appeal has been transformed in the past year, says University President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Boyle.
Our vision and values
Museum Studies at Leicester is a place where researchers, practitioners and postgraduate students from around the world come together to think creatively and critically about museums, galleries and heritage; to explore and investigate, to experiment and create, to question...
Applicants under the age of 18
If you are due to start your course at Leicester before you turn 18, your parent or guardian need to provide consent. Learn more.
Michael Clarke
We have learned, with sadness, of the death of Michael Clarke, who worked in the School of Education in the 1980s.
Garry Buck
The University has learned with regret of the death of hospitality van driver Garry Buck. Garry’s job with LSP involved delivering to buildings right across the campus so he came into contact with many staff and was well-loved by all.
Migration and the making of Leicester
Fifty years on from the Ugandan Asians' arrival The expulsion of the Asian population of Uganda in August/September 1972 was a key moment in Leicester’s recent history.
Winners of the Hunter Medal
The Hunter Medal is the top prize for the best graduate of the year in the University of Leicester's Department of Chemistry. The award is an engraved sterling silver medal commemorating Professor Louis Hunter, our founding Professor of Chemistry.
Words and Word Meanings
Module code: EN7113 From Anglo-Saxon glossaries of Latin terms to the online edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, word-lists provide a fascinating insight into the cultures and individuals that produce and use them.
The Management and Shaping of Innovation
Module code: MN3133 This module explores the vital intersection of traditional and contemporary innovation concepts within the digital landscape.