Sycamore Gap sapling to be planted in University of Leicester Botanic Garden
The University of Leicester Botanic Garden will plant a Sycamore Gap sapling as part of the tree's legacy.
Intercalated BSc (Psychology)
Whether you’re studying at Leicester Medical School or another institution, an iBSc (Psychology) will give you a professional advantage once you graduate from your medical degree.
Hello world!
Posted by lb471 in teachingR on January 10, 2019 Welcome to Sites . This is your first post.
March madness
Posted by Charlotte Barratt in Outreach and Audiences: the discovery of Richard III blog on April 10, 2014 The end of February and beginning of March were hectic! We had the first Richard III Conference at College Court , which was a resounding success.
Looking Forward – Looking Back
Posted by Martin Coffey in Postgraduate Researcher Careers on August 29, 2018 In the now dated ‘Western’ movie ‘Paint your Wagon’, Lee Marvin ‘sings’ (talks) his way through the song ‘I was born under a wandering star’.
University of Leicester staff blogs
Posted by Physics & Astronomy in Leicester to Jupiter: The Juno Mission on August 1, 2016 Juno has just passed a major milestone in its first wide orbit around the giant planet, having passed by its apojove, the furtherest distance to Jupiter (8.1 million km).
New classes introduced at the University’s Jo Williams physio clinic
A student led physiotherapy clinic at the University of Leicester is expanding its services
Introducing SKYLARK
Posted by Physics & Astronomy in Physics and Astronomy Blog on 26 October 2020 The SKYLARK rocket dominates our newly-revamped foyer in the School of Physics and Astronomy. This blog post provides some of the history of Leicester’s involvement in the SKYLARK project.
UK team to lead European mission to study new planets
The ARIEL (Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey) mission was selected as the next European Space Agency (ESA) science mission, putting UK leadership at the heart of research into planets that lie outside our solar system -- exoplanets.
Most distant detection of a black hole swallowing a star
A University of Leicester astronomer has led an international team that determined the distance of the furthest black hole consuming a star detected to date.