HS7080 New Approaches to Landscapes, Buildings and Objects
Module code: HS7080 This module is led by the School of Museum Studies and provides a guide to conservation policy within the UK and beyond.
Regulation of Business
Module code: EC7101 In this module you will study competition policy, the regulations which aim to bring about an increase in welfare by trying to ensure that competition in the marketplace is not restricted in ways that are harmful.
Uniting 'Together In Hope'
mUMRcledqfY cM8CF1qleMk|Personalities and organisations supporting #TogetherInHope #WeAreLeicester include: Professor Nishan Canagarajah, President and Vice-Chancellor, University of Leicester Susan Whelan, CEO, Leicester City Football Club Rt Revd Martyn Snow,...
First glimpse of Mercury for BepiColombo
The mission comprises two science orbiters which will be delivered into complementary orbits around the planet by the Mercury Transfer Module in 2025.
Juno peers deep into Jupiter’s colourful belts and zones
An investigation of this phenomenon is one of the primary objectives of NASA’s Juno mission, and the spacecraft carries a specially-designed microwave radiometer to measure emission from deep within the Solar System’s largest planet for the first time.
Disagreeing on what is fair in the workplace, and what we can do about
Posted by hconnolly in School of Business Blog on September 27, 2018 In this blog, Dr Rasim Kurdoglu, who successfully defended his doctoral thesis on 17th September 2018, discusses his research on establishing the truthfulness of ‘managerial legitimacy’ arguments, and...
This blog is a record of my experiences and work during the Mars Science Laboratory mission, from the preparation, landing on August 5th 2012 Pacific Time, and onwards...I will also post updates about our other Mars work on meteorites, ExoMars and new missions.
Performing performativity
Posted by Martin Parker in School of Business Blog on September 29, 2017 Ekaterina Svetlova, associate professor of accounting and finance at ULSB (
Conversations with… Duncan Ross
Posted by ejb71 in Physics and Astronomy Blog on 23 April 2021 Duncan is the head of the electronics workshop in the Space Research Centre at the University of Leicester, as well as being the group safety supervisor.
Genetics for higher education Genetics for higher education student working in a lab with others in the background Genetics for schools and colleges Genetics for schools and colleges Science students doing experiment in laboratory|Genetics deals with heredity and variation.